Hearts for God,
serving one another.
9 a.m. Sunday School
10 a.m. Worship in person, Facebook Live & YouTube Live
5:30 p.m. Sunday Night Youth, 6th-12th grades
10 a.m. Deep Dive Bible study, Fireside Room
5:30-6 p.m. Fellowship Meal
6-7 p.m. Youth and Adult Gathering
Hearts for God, serving one another.
Come as you are, for YOU are welcome here regardless of your background, gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, political affiliation, financial situation, social status. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Upcoming Events
Women on Mission
Sunday School
Worship Services
Join us as we worship in person, on Facebook Live, and on YouTube Live on Sundays at 10 a.m.
Join Our Mailing List
Crosscreek Connections is a weekly email newsletter sent on Mondays. Please fill out this form if you wish to be added to the mailing list.
About Crosscreek
“A church where everyone is welcome” is more than just a slogan at Crosscreek, it is our identity.
For most of Crosscreek’s forty- year history, it has been racially diverse and practiced gender equality in leadership. The openness to diversity and generosity of heart displayed by these choices has led to a willingness to embrace all who worship with us, no matter their struggles or depth of faith.
Why We Are Here
To be a people who love the Lord their God with heart and soul and mind;
To be a people who follow His command to love as He has loved.
To be a people who know the Word of God and love to teach the truth;
To be a people who gather in His name, a fellowship of love.
To be a people in partnership with all who bear the name of Christ;
To be a people who gladly share their faith, a witness to the world.
–“To Be a People Who Love the Lord”
Who We Want to Be
As a reflection of Christ, we envision a community where every person is invited to Crosscreek, accepted and valued without hesitation. We believe that those actively engaged in the community of Crosscreek will experience healing, be challenged to deepen their faith and broaden their service to the world.
What We Value
We value: being inviting, acceptance, authentic community, affirmation of women in full ministry participation, the worth and gifts of children, an examined faith, missions.