Worship with Crosscreek on Trinity Sunday – May 30, 2021
Join us in worship this week. Worship will begin at 9:57AM. We will celebrate the gift of God's Spirit to all people! We hope to see you in person or online.
Worship with Crosscreek on Pentecost Sunday – May 23, 2021
Join us in worship this week. Worship will begin at 9:57AM. We will celebrate the gift of God's Spirit to all people! We hope to see you in person or online.
Worship with Crosscreek on the Seventh Sunday of Easter – May 16, 2021
Join us in worship this week. Worship will begin at 9:57AM. This week we'll work towards expanding our understanding of God's grace as God seeks to help us expand our way of loving
Beauty as Liturgy: Hospitality
by Cathy Lee It was 9:00 p.m. when the doorbell rang. I opened the door to welcome in a young missionary that had just arrived from Uganda. She had called to let me know she would