Adult Sunday School – March-April 2016
Now Is a Perfect Time to Join in Formation
Spring is the perfect time to join an adult Sunday School class at Crosscreek. Classes start at 9:00 in different rooms throughout the building. If you have children, there are great options for their formation as well.
There are three different classes offered, so there will be something for everyone. This is a great place to jump in to the Sunday School program at the church. Here are the offerings for our adults for the next two months:
Adult 1 – Searching for Sunday – Donna Fitch will be leading a study of Rachel Held Evans’s book “Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church”. As described by Glennon Doyle Melton, of Momastery.com, this book helped her realize that she’d “been waiting my whole life for Searching for Sunday. The Jesus that Rachel loves fiercely is the same Jesus I fell in love with long ago, before I let my the hypocrisy of the church and my own heart muddle everything up. Searching for Sunday helped me forgive the church and myself and fall in love with God all over again … It is, quite simply, my favorite book by my favorite writer.”
Join this class in F106 (next to the Fireside room on the left hand side of the building – see map here), as they discuss the difficulty in being the church and the joy in finding the kind of true community that marks disciples of Jesus.
Adult 2 – The Gospel of John – Wes Jeffcoat will be leading a study on the Gospel of John for this Sunday School Class. Join this class for an in depth exploration of the themes and ideas that shaped this gospel and the ways that it continues to shape our lives. If you’ve never explored John’s Gospel and its complex image of Jesus, then this class will help you discover the ways that you can apply this book to your life and grow in Christ.
Join Wes and others in F108 for fellowship and a time of growth together.
Adult 3 – The “I Am” Statements of Jesus – Jill Hudson will be leading a study through the self-descriptive statements of Jesus. Seven times in the John’s Gospel, Jesus makes declarations of “I am…”. What does Jesus’ self-description teach us about the one we follow? How can we learn to have our faith shaped by the one who is “the bread of life” and the “way the truth and the life”?
This class will meet in S102 (beside the sanctuary) for a time of exploration and discussion through these sayings of Jesus and the impact that they can have on our lives.
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