Beauty n. state of being pleasing to the senses • Liturgy n. work of the people

by Brenda Evans
Have you ever been asked, “What is your favorite season?” I have and I usually say, “Fall” just to have a response. But if I stopped and really thought about it, which would really be my favorite? Think about it.
Spring. Who wouldn’t choose it because of the new life seen all around us, from grass to animals to flowers and trees? Not to mention we get to celebrate Easter during this time.
But then you think of Summer. It is a more relaxed time with longer days, warmer temperatures, and days at the lake or beach. And who could forget the Fourth of July celebrations?
What about Fall? There are cooler nights, football, longer nights, Halloween and Thanksgiving.
Then there’s Winter which means possible snow (one can dream, right?), and warm throws, fires in the fireplace or firepit, Christmas and the promise of Spring.
It’s hard to choose!
I have reflected on the seasons of my life, especially as it relates to my Christian experience and the people who God has used to help me grow as a person of faith.
In the Spring of my life, it was my Mom. She made sure I went to church and studied my Sunday School lessons. She always sang as she did housework and the songs were always hymns. I learned a lot of the words from her. However, she died when I was 17 but God provided other people to help me learn and grow. Dad and I moved back to Brewton, Alabama the day after I graduated to be closer to family. I became active in a youth group at my church, and God continued using special friends to help me on my way.
Then I moved into the Summer of my life and I met and married Jim. After about two years of marriage, he felt called to become a minister. While he studied at Mobile College, he shared what he was learning, and I learned from him. While he was going to school, we were served a church outside of Atmore, Alabama. There were several older people who became role models in my life. As Jim continued his studies at Southeastern Seminary, we continued to talk about what he was learning which helped me. We served a church in Meadow, North Carolina as he finished his degree. I was deeply influenced by some wonderful women in the church. They taught me many things that helped me on my way. By the time we moved back to Alabama, we had all four of our children and began serving a church in Sardis, Alabama. Again, I was blessed to be able to work with and learn from some amazing women.
The Fall of my life began as the children grew, and I went back to school to become a teacher. With Jim’s support, I was able to fulfill my calling to become a teacher of young children. We were serving a church in Montevallo and again through interactions with others, through Sunday School lessons, and family enrichment training, I grew in faith.
Now, I’m in the Winter of my life. My kids are grown, and my grandchildren are growing up at warp speed and I’m retired from teaching. The Winter of my life has so far been different than I imagined it would be. I’ve already had a pacemaker implanted followed by a triple bypass the following year. Although in my mind I still feel like I’m in my thirties, my body reminds me that I’m not!
In other words, I’ve been given the gift of time.
On the plus side of Winter is the freedom Jim and I have to do what we want—travel, spending time with our grandchildren and getting to see them playing softball, football and band concerts, and working on home projects. In other words, I’ve been given the gift of time.
Now I’m also able to serve a wonderful church, Crosscreek. So many people at this church have been dear to me and have continued to help me grow.
I have been so blessed to have my husband, my children and grandchildren, and my friends throughout my life. As I move forward in this season, I know how it will end. But thanks to my wonderful Savior and of his followers who have helped me grow throughout my life, I have a beautiful sense of peace about death. Until then, I want to remain faithful and count my blessings every day.