Crosscreek Connection – April 20
Listen along as Jessica shares a story and asks us to ponder what it is that holds meaning for us. Plus, there's a new song in the background!
Crosscreek Connection – April 17, 2020
Jesus is alive! And what do we do now? Today, we'll hear the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus from Luke's gospel. How does our blindness keep us from being able to see
Crosscreek Connection – April 16, 2020
Jesus is alive! But, now what? Join us as we look at a few different stories in the gospels that take place after Jesus' resurrection. Today's story is from the end of Matthew's
Crosscreek Connection – April 18, 2020
Jesus is alive? Did we miss seeing him? How does the story of doubting Thomas help us see the resurrected Christ in a new way. We'll look briefly at this today, and we'll discuss