Worship with Crosscreek on Sunday – November 14, 2021
Join us in worship this week! Worship will begin at 9:55 AM. This week we’ll hear from the prophet Amos as we strive to practice justice!
Join us in worship this week! Worship will begin at 9:55 AM. This week we’ll hear from the prophet Amos as we strive to practice justice!
Join us in worship this week! Worship will begin at 9:55 AM. Let us journey into the wilderness with Elijah as we seek God’s wisdom in the silence!
Join us in worship this week! Worship will begin at 9:55 AM. This week we will hear the story of Solomon’s temple and remember that God’s love cannot be contained by the boxes we build!
Join us in worship this week! Worship will begin at 9:55 AM. This week we will explore the call of David, the king after God’s own heart. How is God calling us? How do we help others explore the ways in which God is calling them?
Join us in worship this week! Worship will begin at 9:55 AM. Join us as we hear the story of God’s call of Samuel. How is God calling us and how can we learn to hear God’s voice?
Join us in worship this week! Worship will begin at 9:55 AM. This week we will be having a special livestream only service! We’ll be studying the complaints of the Israelites in the wilderness and celebrating God’s faithfulness in all things! See you in the comments.