- Ages K-6th
Welcome to the children’s ministry at Crosscreek! We are passionate about the faith formation, wellbeing, and safety of children. At Crosscreek, all children are loved, celebrated, and welcome! Children are involved in the life of the congregation through Sunday School, worship participation and leadership, Wednesday night activities, and special events. In all that we do, from the curriculum to the activities we choose, our children’s ministry intentionally seeks to help children know that they are loved and grow in their love for Jesus.
Weekly Programs
Children participate in Godly Play, a multi-sensory curriculum designed to engage children in the stories of the Bible.
Worship activity bags that help engage children with the sermon are available each week. During the service, children are invited to come to the front for the Children’s Moment, a brief Bible-centered lesson specifically for children. Worship Care for babies and preschoolers is available during the service.
Children participate in an hour of games, crafts, songs, and a Bible story. Does not meet in summer.
Big Events
- Blessing of the Backpacks
- Trunk-or-Treat
- Christmas Workshop
- Quiet Spaces,
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Passport Kids Camp
- Swim Party
Preschool through high school students are invited to wear their backpacks to church. During the service, we will invite students forward to receive a special blessing as they begin a new school year. Each student will receive a specially designed backpack tag to remind them all year long that Crosscreek loves them and is praying for them!

Families in the church and community are invited to an evening of costumes and candy on Halloween night! No tricks (or anything scary), just treats and lots of fun!

Preschool-5th grade - Children are invited for an evening of Christmas crafts, stories, games, and more as we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Children will need clothes for painting and are also invited to bring pajamas to change into for our evening Christmas movie. This is an event your kids will not want to miss!
Quiet Spaces is an interactive prayer experience for children that involves all five senses and includes art, movement, silence and more. Children move through prayer stations at their own pace,preparing their hearts for Holy Week.
Our Easter Egg hunt is for children of all ages, including babies and toddlers. Children will enjoy an Easter craft, the Easter story, egg hunting, and yummy treats.
Completed 3rd-5th Grades - Passport Kids camp is four days of worship, silly songs, Bible study, missions education, team-building games, and more! Passport Kids engages children to deepen their relationship with Christ…and have a blast while doing so! Learn More
Relax and cool off with an evening of swimming and dinner together!