Deep Dive Bible Study 2020

Introduction to Exodus (Audio)

Exodus Chapters 1 and 2 (2-24-2020)

Exodus Chapter 3 Audio

Exodus Chapter 3 Handout (3-3-2020)

Exodus Chapter 3 – Handout

March 17 – Deep Dive Handout and Video

March 24 – Deep Dive Handout and Video

Whatever he is saying he’s pretty stoked about it!

March 31 – Deep Dive Handout, Questions, and Recording

Questions for Discussion

  • Can we find purpose in the structure with which the plagues on Egypt are presented?
  • What can we learn and model from Moses’ relationship with God through chapter 9?
  • Why do you think Pharaoh hardens his heart to the Lord? What can we learn from this?
  • Does God cause the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart? Or does God simply understand the human condition?
  • What role does geography play in today’s readings?
  • Does the plague on livestock echo any other passages we have studied?
  • What do we make of the “Lord fearers” among Pharaoh’s people?
Blurry thumbs up!

April 7 – Deep Dive Handout and Questions

Questions for Discussion

  • Does the plague on livestock echo any other passages we have studied?
  • What do we make of the “Lord fearers” among Pharaoh’s people?
  • Is there a reason that we are just now beginning to see God “toughening” Pharaoh’s heart?
  • How do we reconcile the God who wants to show power with Jesus?
  • Is there a pattern in Pharaoh’s negotiations that we can recognize in our own lives? How does one successfully negotiate with God?
Heeeeyy You Guyyys!

April 14 – Deep Dive Handout and Questions

Questions for Discussion

  • How do we reconcile the God who wants to show power with Jesus?
  • Is there a pattern in Pharaoh’s negotiations that we can recognize in our own lives? How does one successfully negotiate with God?
  • What do we do with the horror of the death of the firstborns?
  • What connections can we make from the role of “blood” in the early Exodus narratives?
  • In the context of the exiles among whom this story was first written down, what does this story say about God? Can a story with so much death also be a story about hope?
Come on, let’s shake on it. PSYCH!!! We don’t shake hands right now. Six feet apart is what we stay!

April 21 – Deep Dive Handout and Questions

Questions for Discussion

  • Ongoing question – How do we reconcile the God who wants to show power with Jesus?
  • In the context of the exiles among whom this story was first written down, what does this story say about God? Can a story with so much death also be a story about hope?
  • What is the importance of the specifics in the preparation of the Passover meal? Do we have any such traditions in our own lives?
  • What do we do with the character of the “Destroyer”?
  • What is the “motley throng” in 12:38? What implications does this have for us?
Either playing the world’s smallest violin or showing something about the nature of the relationship between God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!

April 28 – Deep Dive Handout and Questions

Questions for Discussion

  • Ongoing question – How do we reconcile the God who wants to show power with Jesus?
  • What do we learn about “belonging” from the story of the Passover?
  • What ways do we help people belong to our “tribe”?
  • What things make us want to “go back” to that from which we’ve been freed?
  • What do the two means of God’s presence tell us in this story about God? (pillar and column)

May 5 – Deep Dive Handout and Questions

Questions for Discussion

  • Ongoing question – How do we reconcile the God who wants to show power with Jesus?
  • How would this story be told differently from an Egyptian perspective?
  • Has the nature of the Israelites (the gathered people) changed in this story thus far? If so, how?
  • How do we see echoes of God’s goodness in our life today? (Like the “echo” of the waters being divided in the escape story and in the creation story).
  • How do we keep marching, when sometimes God seems “behind” us instead of “in front” of us?

May 12 – Deep Dive Handout and Questions

Questions for Discussion

  • Ongoing question – How do we reconcile the God who wants to show power with Jesus?
  • How do we know that a large transition is taking place in this story of the Exodus?
  • What can we learn from the idea that early Israelite writers were willing to concede that there were other gods, even if they paled in comparison to YHWH?
  • Can we learn any “leadership” lessons from the “song of Moses” and what follows after?
  • What are some ways that we are asked to show our trust of God in these days?

May 19 – Deep Dive Handout and Questions

Questions for Discussion

  • Ongoing question – How do we reconcile the God who wants to show power with Jesus?
  • What are some ways that we are asked to show our trust of God in these days?
  • What does today’s story teach us about God’s provision?
  • What does today’s story teach us about sabbath?
  • What are ways do we show our obedience and teach others to do the same?

May 26 – Deep Dive Guiding Questions

Questions for Discussion

  • What kind of faith would one need to have these days for others, like Paul, to have “heard of your faith”?
  • Is there a difference between the fruit that is grown that faces the world and the fruit that grows among believers?
  • What does it mean for “all things” to have been created through Christ?
  • How can we remain steadfast in a healthy way?
  • Are we call called to be servants of the gospel? In what ways?

June 2 – Deep Dive Guiding Questions

Questions for Discussion

  • What does it look like for our hearts to be “encouraged and united in love”?
  • How can we be aware of those ideas and people that try to take us “captive”? How can we be open and wary at the same time?
  • What does being condemned “in matters of food and drink or of observing festivals, new moons, or sabbaths” mean?
  • What are the elemental spirits of the universe?
  • What does authenticity look like? How can we know when someone is being authentic? How can we know when we are being authentic?

June 16 – Deep Dive

Deep Dive Bible Study: Mark