Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study, 2020

June 3, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 16:19 and following

Questions for Discussion

  • What does the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus teach us about ourselves? About others?
  • How do we make the most of the time we have and the witnesses we’ve been given without being anxious?
  • How do we speak our truth in this day and age without being upset at others and demonizing them? 
  • What are some of the ways we cause others to stumble?
  • How do we correctly exist in Christian community by Jesus’ command?

May 27, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 16

Questions for Discussion

  • How do we work to make sure we are “justifying” ourselves in front of the right person/people? 
  • How can one be faithful with “dishonest” wealth?
  • Do we have a “master”?
  • What does Jesus mean enter the kingdom by “force”?
  • What does the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus teach us about ourselves? About others?

May 20, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 16

Questions for Discussion

  • What do we feel when we are asked for an “accounting”?
  • How do we feel about what the manager in this parable is doing? Where do those feelings come from?
  • Is there such a thing as “honest wealth”?
  • Do we have a “master”?
  • How do we work to make sure we are “justifying” ourselves in front of the right person/people?

May 13, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 15:11-32

Questions for Discussion

  • In what ways do we seek to gain benefit from “the father” without having “him” in our lives?
  • What experiences have you had that have been like “waking up” in the pig slop?
  • What has been the response of God when you’ve “returned” to God?
  • With which character do you most identify in this story?
  • How might we learn to be more encompassing in our celebration? How can we learn to value what is in front of us?

May 6, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 15:1-10

Questions for Discussion

  • What about the 99 sheep in the wilderness? (15:4)
  • How can we learn to celebrate the small victories?
  • In what ways do we seek to gain benefit from “the father” without having “him” in our lives?
  • What experiences have you had that have been like “waking up” in the pig slop?
  • What has been the response of God when you’ve “returned” to God?

April 29, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 14:25-15:10

Questions for Discussion

  • What on earth does Jesus mean – “hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, even life itself”? (14:26)
  • What are some of the creative ways we define “possessions” so that we can still feel good about the way we follow Jesus? (14:33)
  • How do we find hope in Jesus message about salt? (14:34-35)
  • What about the 99 sheep in the wilderness? (15:4)
  • How can we learn to celebrate the small victories?

April 22, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 14:12-24

Questions for Discussion

  • What do we make of the idea of being “repaid” at the resurrection of the righteous? (14:14)
  • What are the things we put before being present with God? (14:15-24) Does our “wealth” enable us to do this?
  • What on earth does Jesus mean – “hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, even life itself”? (14:26)
  • What are some of the creative ways we define “possessions” so that we can still feel good about the way we follow Jesus? (14:33)
  • How do we find hope in Jesus message about salt? (14:34-35)

April 15, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 13:31-14:24

Questions for Discussion

  • What can we learn from the way Jesus interacts with the “threat” of Herod? (vv. 31-35)
  • Is there something in us that enables us to have more sympathy for animals that fellow humans? (14:5)
  • What steps can we take to become aware of the way in which we exalt ourselves? How can we distinguish between real and false humility? (14:7-11)
  • What do we make of the idea of being “repaid” at the resurrection of the righteous? (14:14)
  • What are the things we put before being present with God? (14:15-24) Does our “wealth” enable us to do this?

April 8, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 13:22-35

Questions for Discussion

  • What do we believe about “who will be saved?” Is there a right way to approach this question? (v. 23)
  • What does it mean to “enter through the narrow door”? (v. 24)
  • What can we learn from the concept that those from “east and west, north and south…will eat in the kingdom of God”? (v. 29)
  • Is there an answer to the question Jesus was asked – Will only a few be saved? (vv. 23-29)
  • What can we learn from the way Jesus interacts with the “threat” of Herod? (vv. 31-35)
Urbody Loves Pam

April 1, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 13:10-21

Questions for Discussion

  • What stipulations do we place on God’s ability to work? (v. 14)
  • What is the point of connecting this woman’s ailment to Satan? (v. 16)
  • How can we learn to “let things grow” in life and ministry? (vv. 18-21) What might some examples of this be?
  • What does it mean to “enter through the narrow door”? (v. 24)
  • Is there an answer to the question Jesus was asked – Will only a few be saved? (vv. 23-29)
  • What can we learn from the way Jesus interacts with the “threat” of Herod? (vv. 31-35)

March 25, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 13:1-9

March 18, 2020 Bible Study – Luke 12 Cont’d

Recorded Zoom Call Bible Study for March 18, 2020

Thy Kingdom Come: A Study of the Sermon on the Mount

2017-03-08 – Sermon on the Mount Study Week 1 Slides

2017-03-15 – Sermon on the Mount Study Week 2 Slides

2017-03-22 – Sermon on the Mount Study Week 3 – Beatitudes Pt. 1 Video and Slides

Audio Playlist

Click the Play button (arrow) to listen to each file.



Canon and How We Use It – 9/14/16, Scott Carter