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2017-11-05 Description of Enneagram and Slides for Week 1 and 2

“Self-knowledge is tied with inner work, which is both demanding and painful.
Change occurs amid birth pangs. It takes courage to walk such a path. Many
avoid the path of self-knowledge because they are afraid of being swallowed up
in their own abysses. But Christians have confidence that Christ has lived
through all the abysses of human life and that he goes with us when we dare to
engage in such confrontation with ourselves.”  -Andreas Ebert

Richard Rohr brings a Christian Perspective to the Enneagram, an ancient personality system.
Rohr explains how Christians can benefit from it without adopting non-Christian ideas. Rohr
identifies the root sin of each type, and how God can redeem that sin into a beautiful gift. He
believes the enneagram is a “tool for discernment and a gift of the Spirit which can help transform
lives, lead people to God and release the great giftedness in us.”

Enneagram Description

2017 SS Enneagram

2017 SS Enneagram Week 2 (1 and 2)


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