Crosscreek Connection – July 7, 2020
Here's tonight's Crosscreek Connection, in which we try to find the intersection between the Apostle Paul and Jason Isbell.
Crosscreek Kids! Godly Play – The Story of Paul, Pt 5, July 5, 2020
Join us for Godly Play as we continue to learn the story of St. Paul!
Worship with Crosscreek for Sunday, July 5, 2020
Join us for worship at Crosscreek Baptist Church on July 5, 2020 - The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost. Today we'll be studying from Galatians and pondering Christian freedom.
Crosscreek Connection- July 3, 2020
This is a song by JJ Heller. She wrote it in response to the Coronavirus outbreak.