Ron Prevatte
I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of several churches serving as a member, minister, and now a member again at Crosscreek. Stephanie and I felt at home the first time we visited Crosscreek. It’s a very special place, full of caring, loving, friendly people from all walks of life. You already know that since you are part of this loving congregation, but we were searching for a place we could call home. This would be a place where we could worship, belong, and find a way to serve. We heard stories and testimonies of mission trips, local mission opportunities. We wanted to be a part of a church that practices what it preaches. Go, serve, minister, care, and love others.
I have seen that in action when disasters struck in other states and in our own backyard: gathering supplies, being a central mission distribution center, serving, handing out supplies, talking to people who were hurting and in need. Crosscreek showed up and let God use it in many different ways. Belonging and serving is more than giving our money. It’s giving of ourselves out of God’s abundant blessing. It’s the annual mission fundraisers, but it’s also going and doing. It’s the occasional need of local families or people down on their luck that Crosscreek responds to. That makes us proud to be “Crosscreekers.”
We have been called here because we belong to one another. We are committed to bearing a concern for each other which shows itself not only in daily prayer, but also in compassionate action.
We are called here at this time because we belong to God. But, we recognize that God calls us as the wind blows. Should God call us elsewhere, we are committed to practicing a continuity in which, upon moving from the Pelham community, any member is expected to unite as soon as possible with some other church where he or she can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.
While we may retire from our paying jobs, we should never retire from serving God in our local church.
Psalm 92:14 tells us:
They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing.
Our mandate then is to serve the Lord with gladness all of our days and wherever He sends us. While we are at Crosscreek let’s serve Him faithfully and joyfully. We will be given many opportunities to serve Him locally, in our state, nation, and world. I believe Crosscreek will continue to respond to every challenge God presents to us.
Our mandate then is to serve the Lord with gladness all of our days and wherever He sends us.
There may come a time when we are called away to another city or state to live. If and when that happens we should seek out another congregation in which to worship and serve. It won’t be “Crosscreek,” but if we seek God’s guidance in finding that place of worship and service He will guide us in making that decision. It may take some searching and patience on our part. Friends and neighbors may invite us to visit their church, and there are lots of good churches out there. One thing I know for sure, there are no “perfect” churches either. There are churches that match what we have and don’t have, as far as gifts go. We should want a church that will challenge us to get out of our comfort zones. A church that can use our gifts and help us to grow in areas where we may need to grow and learn. There may be times when we need to sit back in our pews and be ministered to. That’s fine as long as we don’t stay there. God can use us and help us to grow in ways our minds never thought we could grow and serve. The Bible is full of examples of “I could never do that Lord.” My favorite verse is, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” IF I truly believe that, I should be a little more open to respond when asked to do something to serve. I’m not saying sing a solo if you can’t carry a tune in a bucket; there are LOTS of ways to serve and be used by God in our churches. Look, listen, respond according to how God leads and uses our gifts and talents. One thing I’ve discovered is that no matter what state, city, or church I’ve been a part of, there are hurting people everywhere. We can ALWAYS be kind and care for others no matter our gift set. Part of being a Christian and a good human being is caring and showing kindness, mirroring Christ for others to see. Once we’ve been led to a new place of service, we should put down roots and get involved by using our God-given talents and serve God in whatever ways He leads. Through service, stewardship, and worship, we honor God. God’s Word and our church covenant encourage us to follow this principle wherever we are. For now, we are at Crosscreek. Let us be glad and serve Him faithfully until a new challenge may come our way in this wonderful adventure called life. |