Lenten Devotional: Introduction
I’m glad you are joining us on our Lenten journey together at Crosscreek this year. The tradition of Lent comes from an intentional period of 40 days (not counting Sundays) in which we remember Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. We mark this period of time by withdrawing from certain things (fasting) and/or becoming more intentional in our spiritual walk. This Lenten devotional is designed to help us on that journey.
I’m always so thankful for the variety of voices that show up in these pages. I deeply believe that God speaks clearly through the gift of community, and this devotional guide for the season of Lent is a manifestation of that. We have wise sages of the church writing here (not naming any specific ages!), perspectives from our youth, and a reflection from our youngest writer ever (nine years old!). In these pages, you will find written written reflections, pieces of art, poems, and even a flowchart! All of these pieces are designed to help you in your Lenten journey to pause and reflect on the work God is doing in your soul.
Our theme for this year’s journey is The Way of the Word. This theme will pop up in these pages on occasion and serve as a recurring beat in our worship services throughout this season (you can join us in person on Sundays at 10AM for worship or tune in online on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/crosscreekbaptist or our YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTnSCT5v-_j9y-a4fF4H1iw). We are following this theme because we believe that to be a follower of Christ, to be intentional about our discipleship, is to “walk” in a certain way. Our beliefs and the image of Jesus guide us in how we carry ourselves in the world.
During this season, may we grow more intentional in our “walk,” may we grow deeper in love, compassion, and care for others as we seek the face of God each day.
Brandon Hudson
Crosscreek Baptist Church
February 25, 2022
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