John 14:13-17

I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you.

Reflection – Katherine Bamberg

One thing I never hear from Christians is how hard it is to be a dreamer. The heartache from your left ventricle to the depth of your soul, knowing you want everything this life has to offer you. Ever since I was a toddler I knew I could not be contained to a life inside a box. I have this thing inside me I like to call hope, where the spark has never gone out. I am so lucky that God allowed the Spirit of Truth to rest in us. I fully believe that I will achieve everything to which God calls me. I want to experience the world, every part of it. I want my life to be worth living, all for the King that makes every single thing worth absolutely everything. I crave the stars Jesus has waiting for me and I’m just waiting for that “go” from the Spirit to know when to start running.

When I was a little girl it was no surprise that I looked up to my daddy. The man of all things, the one who could cook our favorite foods in the kitchen, or make jokes that would make mom roll her eyes, but most of all he’s an artist. God chose to share a special job with him. He can create weird creatures and beautiful landscapes. After talking to Alan for 10 minutes (if his mood is right) it’s not a huge stretch to guess that he’s the one that helped foster high, hard to reach, close to impossible dreams in me. But as long as I can remember his personal dreams have been on hold. I love my dad to death but even at eight years old, I couldn’t possibly understand why you would choose to spend your life doing things you don’t utterly love. I could not bear thinking of my life being anything less than extraordinary. God is right there to take the huge jumps with us, but also knows when to not let us go. It took me so long to realize our dreams don’t always line up with the magnificent journey God has for us.

As my fellow dreamers know, the worst thing we can ever experience is being told “no” by God. The only thing that could stop our determination is literally the will of God. The Holy Spirit rests inside us so we are guided in asking for the right dreams. Our hopes and desires are meant to glorify God. And if we listen hard enough, and be patient adequately, the Holy Spirit will guide us right to where our dreams line up with God’s will perfectly.  Our hearts will forever be captivated by the Spirit that we allow to dwell in our soul.